Filtration Units
Our filtration units are designed to remove impurities and contaminants, providing you with clean and safe water for everyday use
Filtration Units

Sama Haifa Water Technology provides economical & professional effective solutions for water filtration systems in commercial and industrial sectors ,by using FRP Pentair brand tanks or our manufactured Steel epoxy coated tanks.
Our systems are designed to clarify water by removing sediment .turbidity. iron. unpleasan tastes and odors. suspended particles. & unwanted color. all of which are commonly found in surface and well water.
With the use of the correct pressure tanks. valves & accurate filter media type options.
Sama Haifa water filters can suit most any water filtration requirements.
- Sand Filters: These are used to remove sediment. solids, suspended particles & contaminants
- Carbon Filters: used to adsorb chlorine. volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
- Zeosorb Filters: These are installed to eliminate sediment. solids, suspended particles, it's the absolutely replacement for sand filter: • Better filtration clarity it can reduce turbidity to less than3 microns • Higher velocity so you can use smaller filters than the conventional Sand filters.
- Catalytic Carbon : It contains Iron Coated Coconut shell it is the best replacement Of conventional activated carbon. with higher filtration rate,
- Katalox light : Advanced catalytic filtration media. It is the absolutely replacement of Birm and Green sand It has high efficiency removal capacity Of Iron. Manganese & Hydrogen sulfide.

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